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23 Jul, 2015

7 tips for a perfect wedding website

August is coming. It means that wedding season is upon us. So, if you want to build a site for your wedding, it’s best to start now!

To help you create a perfect wedding website (Wedsite), here are several tips we want to share :) 

07 Jul, 2015

[Tips] Important Joomla Tips for Newbies

Hi guys,

During support time, we have received a lot of questions from newbies for Joomla extension. Therefore, we decided to share to you guys - who are just start learning about Joomla some tips which help you easier in manage your Joomla site.

10 Jun, 2015

[Tutorial] How to change theme color for JUX templates

Recently, we got an interesting question from our customers. They want to change the theme color as their own wish. To be honest, it is not difficult to add a new theme color in a JUX template. Here, I will show you how to do it quickly with JUX one - our hottest template. You can apply similarly with other JUX templates. Go to your backend and let’s start now:

12 May, 2015

Comparison between Joomla Mega Menu and CSS3 Mega Menu

Hi guys,

As you all know, we have just released our CSS3 mega menu last month. Since the CSS3 mega menu released, a lot of customers have asked us about the differences between it and our hottest item Joomla Mega Menu. 
To make it easier for you guys to choose the most suitable mega menu for your site, in this article we will give you a brief comparison between these 2 mega menus. 

22 Apr, 2015

[Tutorial] How to create multiple pages in JUX One

Hello friends, 
After 1 month selling Templates on JoomlaUX, we have recieved a lot of questions about JUX One - responsive one page joomla template, one of our hottest templates at the moment. And the most popular question about this template is "How to create multiple pages in JUX One?"
In this post, we would like to answer you guys this question.