The path of 2 file.
Thank you for quick awnser. the problem is, that I don´t use K2-Component but the Joomla blog. I think I have to add any code in blog_item.php and blog.php? There is following code:
<?php echo '<span class="day-cat">'.JHtml::_('date', $this->item->created, JText::_('TPL_JUX_DESIGNER_DAY_DATE_FORMAT_LC2')).'</span>'; ?>
<?php echo '<span class="month-cat">'.JHtml::_('date', $this->item->created, JText::_('TPL_JUX_DESIGNER_MONTH_DATE_FORMAT_LC2')).'</span>'; ?>
The path of 2 file.
And you need to add the following code in the en-GB.tpl_jux_delphinus.ini file.
The path of the en-GB.tpl_jux_delphinus.ini file.